Monday, May 25, 2009

Pictures from the dance show!

Award won (believe that it really goes to Darren!)

Joe and Sara were showing off their moves!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My debut as a dancer on stage!
Have to admit that I had a lot of fun! Darren had said that he had never danced and afterwards said that he would like to dance more! Could not have asked for a better partner. We were practicing with a plastic flower that had left a scrape on my chest. As a joke, I said that I deserved a real flower and he was sweet enought to make sure I had a real rose at the performance. In practice, he grabbed the top of the flower and half of the petals went flying as tears of laughter streamed from my face. We had fun! I even managed to dance with a very sore toe that I believed turned out to be from a spider bite! Look forward to next year and had a great time!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday fun in KL

Ann and I at the end of the year party!

Peggy and I!

My new favorite shoes....

Kari and I looking pretty!

My first Batik!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo party

Friends... Joe, myself, Mekhala, Cindy, James and Raj!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

More pictures of Tioman

Our view from our room! Second night sunset!

The walkway up to our room.

Our room!

The view up to our room! Ours was the one on the top!

Tioman Island

Yes, I know you think I was playing around with the color swapping image with the camera, but I didn't. This is the true sunset! Tioman was incredible and the resort was beautiful.

These wooden dragons were symbolic all over the resort. Were they protecting us?

This is the view of where I spend almost the entire vacation. I stayed under two of these small verandas for the entire time! Ok, some time in the sun too!

Here is the opposite view!

Look at the water! Love this walkway that leads to the resort!